Newspaper Report.

The Daily Telegraph. ( Sydney Australia ) Monday September 2nd.

New Gravity Theory.

The worlds first anti-gravity device is about to be unveiled after its mysterious properties were discovered accidentally by scientists. The small device, only 30cm across, has the potential to revolutionise everything from transport to power generation as it significantly reduces the weight of anything suspended above it.

The London ô Sunday Telegraph ô newspaper reported details will be published in the British Journal of Physics-D: Applied Physics, next month.

Dr. Eugene Podkletnov, lead the research team at the Tempere University of Technology in Finland. Reluctant to believe in what seemed to be happening before their eyes as they tested a superconductivity device.

Scientists were watching the spinning disc of superconducting ceramic suspended in a magnetic field of three electric coils, all enclosed in a low-temperature vessel called a cryostat, to see if the disc would lose its electrical resistance when subjected to low temperatures. Smoke from a pipe when over the cryostat went to the ceiling, and this was the key to what was really happening.

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